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why we're here
Experience expansive education

Have you always felt there is more to the world than what traditional education offers? You’re in the right place.

At LIS, we believe that education should be expansive. Not constrained by narrow, disciplinary boundaries.

The world’s most complex problems need people who are bold enough to think differently, to follow all of their passions and curiosities, and to connect the dots to find solutions.

So, as the world squeezes us in, we invite you to reach out and experience full spectrum thinking with our interdisciplinary degree.

"Forget Classics, these students are studying to save the world." - Read about our graduates in the Telegraph!

Light Blue circle with a glowing effect.
why lis
A degree built for the 21st century

Interdisciplinary thinking is a new approach to learning that will prepare you for the workplace of tomorrow.

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Tackle real world problems that matter to you, like climate change, AI and inequality.
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Genuine connection to the real world, preparing you for the workplace of tomorrow.
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Interdisciplinary: study the arts, sciences, and humanities, a radical new approach to problem solving.
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Option of 5 week paid internship. Earn whilst you study with high profile organisations.
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Unique learning environment. Learn from academics from Harvard, Oxford, and Cambridge.

Stand out from your peers, and join some of the brightest minds in the UK.

Waqās Ahmed wearing his blu suite
Light Blue circle with a glowing effect.
Interdisciplinary Problems and Methods (BASc)
A new approach to learning

The world isn’t divided into silos, so why do we learn in them? LIS teaches a new thought modality that’s built for the real world: Interdisciplinary thinking.

In your degree, you’ll explore a diverse range of topics - such as ‘the future of cities’, ‘climate change’ and ‘inequality’. One day you’ll be taught complexity theory by a physicist, the next graphic design by an artist. 

You'll bring these specialisms together to unlock new opportunities and insights. Learning an exciting and innovative approach to real world problems, that will set you apart in the workplace of tomorrow.

Students attentively listening to the educator.
Degree highlights

Our undergraduate degree, Interdisciplinary Problems and Methods (BASc), is the first programme of its kind in the UK.

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Undergraduate degree (BASc)

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start date

September 2025

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home Fees

£9,000 / a year

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Mindset over grades

We pride ourselves on not having entry requirements. However, we find that our intakes typically receive AAB and above in A-Levels.

That being said, if LIS speaks to you and you’re up for the challenge — we want to hear from you (whatever your grades).

We invite all eligible applicants for mindset interviews, where we explore your passions, motivations, and aspirations. This allows us to understand your potential for interdisciplinary thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration – qualities that we value highly.

Join our community, and find your place.

Don't just take our word for it.
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Current Student

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"After starting a 'monodisciplinary' degree, I was dissatisfied with the extremely limited scope of knowledge that was being taught. I stumbled upon LIS and discovered the degree that would give me the space to explore several academic interests, all while developing an invaluable professional skillset. No brainer."

Jet  Profile photo

Current Student

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Camilla Cavendish, writing for FT Weekend, acknowledges the significance of LIS's approach. She emphasises that each term at LIS, students examine different problems, such as sustainability, and address them through a multidisciplinary lens. Cavendish's statement, "Innovative new courses and schools show what is sadly missing from over-regulated mainstream higher education," resonates with our mission to break away from traditional norms and embrace innovation.

The Financial Times
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"I left secondary education deeply frustrated. I felt I had been forced to narrow it down and couldn't understand why. It seemed so clear that the things I cared about - sustainability, health promotion, community building, and the revolution heralded by AI, couldn't be understood (let alone tackled!) by one discipline alone.. Finding a university where I didn't have to sacrifice any of my interests, that had a strong focus on professional skills, and that would allow me to grapple with real-world problems was absolutely a no-brainer. I couldn't imagine being anywhere else."

Sarah profile photo

Current Student

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"LIS is exactly the institution I hoped it would be plus more. The collected faculty has such diverse and overlapping sets of interests that I feel as though every field and method is only a message away. Without the dusty tradition and institutional sluggishness of my previous universities, the staff have been able to listen fully to students and their partners to build the university around the problems it solves. It's a really exciting place to be, and I'm thrilled to see how it continues to develop.”

Jethro Profile Photo

Current student

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"Perhaps the most novel degrees are offered by the London Interdisciplinary School (LIS) in Whitechapel." The Economist recognises the significance of universities like LIS, emphasising the need to rediscover the zeal for "challenger" institutions.“Ed Fidoe, a LIS founder, says that nurturing broad thinkers is crucial to solving big problems. That universities prefer to plop out specialists is not just a problem for undergraduates, he says; it is also narrowing the range of stuff adolescents may choose to study in their last years of school.”

The Economist
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