Leaders in politics, business, and academia require knowledge that goes beyond the limitations of our current higher education system.
Help create a new university focused on empowering students with the knowledge and skills necessary to tackle social and global issues head-on. Join us in shaping the future and make a real impact.

The modern workplace needs people who can tackle these kinds of issues and make a real impact on the world. The current university system can’t evolve quickly enough, so we need a new solution.

We place a premium on teaching rather than research. We’ve brought together a diverse and outstanding group of academics, entrepreneurs, and educationalists. The LIS team includes philosophers, epidemiologists, artists, journalists, behavioural scientists, and mathematicians, as well as entrepreneurs and professionals.
Meet the team
The sharing of mental models from across boundaries of expertise can create new and relevant modes of understanding and experiencing the world.
Interdisciplinarians join forces to achieve more together than disconnected minds can do on their own. The future is interdisciplinary (ID). You will be at the forefront of the ID movement—challenging what is possible, being able to cut across disciplinary boundaries, make new connections, and find new solutions.
The workplace of tomorrow will look totally different and demand more of you than ever before. You’ll need to be balanced, entrepreneurial, and resilient to be at the forefront of this movement.
At the heart of LIS, we’re building a university designed to give you the knowledge and skills to enter the modern workplace. This is your chance to take the lead and make your impact on the issues that matter to you.
The process isn’t a piece of cake… But we weren’t fazed. In 2018, we brought together a group of academics, entrepreneurs and investors to think deeply about what it would take to create a new kind of institution.
LIS was born just two years later, becoming the first UK university since the 1960s to receive Degree Awarding Powers from inception (the last one was Warwick in 1965).
LIS is founded upon a core belief: the 21st-century leader requires a broad set of interdisciplinary approaches and methods to tackle the world’s most complex problems.
We built this university the LIS way: through a problems-first, interdisciplinary approach, grounded in rigorous methods, with real-world applications. And we’re already directly competing with the Russell Group.
The world lacks leaders who understand material science, energy transition, AI, and human behaviour. Who can commission code-based data science research, ChatGPT-powered content and data visualisation. Who can frame problems in original ways, using superconcepts to create powerful analogies.
Yet too many institutions teach outdated frameworks and oversimplify context. A modern leader embraces complexity. They understand the systemic nature of business.
Leaders in the modern world need a richer intellectual hinterland than ever before. Organisations that succeed will be those with the fewest blind spots and the best ideas. This points to leaders with range, who can take multiple perspectives, make fewer errors, and spot the next big shift. This is where our students are heading.

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