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Degree highlights

Our 'Arts and Sciences: Interdisciplinary Problems and Methods' (BASc) is the first programme of its kind in the UK.

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Undergraduate degree (BASc)

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start date

September 2025

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home Fees

£9,275 / a year

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Arts and Sciences: Interdisciplinary Problems and Methods (BASc)

Our undergraduates tackle complex, real-world problems by applying knowledge and skills from a range of subjects.

The problems our students tackle are complex in nature and require interdisciplinary solutions e.g. climate change, ethical AI, the future of cities, and social inequality.

Students attentively listening to the educator.

The core of our approach

At the heart of our BASc degree you’ll find three things: complex problems, interdisciplinarity (many different subjects), and the opportunity to work with real organisations.

Light Blue circle with a glowing effect.
Undergraduate internships

At the end of each academic year, we broker optional, paid internships for all UK students in good standing with the university.

Previous employer organisations include KPMG, Innocent Drinks, Fidelity International, Tech Nation, MTR Elizabeth Line, Texture AI, B Corp UK, Spitalfields City Farm, Making Design Circular, and the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.

Two students engaged in a discussion.

What do our students think?

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Current Student

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"After starting a 'monodisciplinary' degree, I was dissatisfied with the extremely limited scope of knowledge that was being taught. I stumbled upon LIS and discovered the degree that would give me the space to explore several academic interests, all while developing an invaluable professional skillset. No brainer."

Jet  Profile photo


Current Student

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"You know when someone asks if you could have one super power, what would it be? LIS really feels like that superpower."

Dhiresh profile photo


Current Student

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"I left secondary education deeply frustrated. I felt I had been forced to narrow it down and couldn't understand why. It seemed so clear that the things I cared about - sustainability, health promotion, community building, and the revolution heralded by AI, couldn't be understood (let alone tackled!) by one discipline alone.. Finding a university where I didn't have to sacrifice any of my interests, that had a strong focus on professional skills, and that would allow me to grapple with real-world problems was absolutely a no-brainer. I couldn't imagine being anywhere else."

Sarah profile photo


Current Student

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"LIS is exactly the institution I hoped it would be plus more. The collected faculty has such diverse and overlapping sets of interests that I feel as though every field and method is only a message away. Without the dusty tradition and institutional sluggishness of my previous universities, the staff have been able to listen fully to students and their partners to build the university around the problems it solves. It's a really exciting place to be, and I'm thrilled to see how it continues to develop.”

Jethro Profile Photo


Current student

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"During my time at LIS, I have grown to recognize the vital nature of interdisciplinary collaboration in unravelling complex problems. By forging connections between seemingly unrelated fields, we facilitate a more intricate and all-encompassing understanding of the world we inhabit and inspire the birth of positive change.”

Geanina profile photo


Current student

Light Blue circle with a glowing effect.
What you’ll learn

The curriculum

Throughout Year 1, you’ll gain key knowledge and skills from a diverse range of disciplines, with real-world problems acting as a framework for your thinking. You’ll build on this foundation in Years 2 and 3, becoming equipped with an increasingly sharp, interdisciplinary problem-solving toolkit.

We reserve the right to not run a module if there is insufficient student interest.

The content of our modules is subject to change as we revise our modules each year depending on student feedback, developments in the field, and the complex problems of the modern world. To gain a degree in the UK you must pass a certain number of credits in each year of the degree. Each module is given a credit, which you are awarded when you pass each module at assessment.

Hear student stories!

"It is so cliché but find comfort in discomfort. Don’t limit yourself to anything as that’s where you will find yourself growing!!"

Here from students on life at LIS, finance, course work, and more.

Your interdisciplinary faculty

Meet the team

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Prof Carl Gombrich

Carl is the Lead Academic at LIS and oversees curriculum design, teaching, and learning. He was previously a Professorial Teaching Fellow of Interdisciplinary Education at UCL and is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.


Dr Amelia Peterson
MBA Programme Director

Amelia is a social scientist with a background in policy and consulting. She studies how education systems adapt to societal and economic change. Prior to LIS, Amelia taught in the Social Policy department at LSE. She received her PhD from Harvard and her BA from Oxford.


Dr Michael Englard

Michael is the Registrar at LIS. In this role, Michael led the team in securing new Degree Awarding Powers. This milestone ensured that LIS was the first Higher Education Institution to begin with the ability to award its own degrees for over fifty years. Michael has set up and run two charities: Causeway Education (focused on supporting access to higher education and the professions) and the LIS Foundation (LIS’s sister charity). Michael sits on the Board of LIS, is a Trustee of Causeway Education, a parent governor of STEP Academy, and holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge. Michael teaches elective modules focused on the narratives of wicked problems.

Dr Anson Cheung
Associate Professor

Anson is a theoretical physicist with a background in building models in condensed matter theory. He specialises in complex systems with many-body interactions. He received his undergraduate degree and PhD from Cambridge University where he was a research fellow and remains an affiliated lecturer. Keenly interested in the pedagogical development of problem-solving skills at the secondary-tertiary interface, he is a trustee of the British Physics Olympiad, and he has also served in middle management in secondary schools.


Dr Ash Brockwell
Associate Professor

Ash is an interdisciplinary educator, writer, and consultant. He holds an MBiochem degree in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry from the University of Oxford, an MSc in Environmental Anthropology from the University of Kent, and a PhD in Education for Sustainability from Wageningen University and Research Centre in The Netherlands.

Rosita Bannert
Assistant Professor

Rosita is a UCL BASc graduate living the polymath life with more than one career. She is a self-taught web engineer who loves building with code as well as traditional materials.

Dr Bronwyn Tarr
Associate Professor

Bronwyn is a human behavioural scientist interested in the evolution of social behaviours, particularly music and dance. She completed her DPhil (PhD) at the University of Oxford and has continued her research in evolutionary anthropology and psychology there.


Emma Rengers
Assistant Professor

Emma was a Lecturer in Law and Data Science at the University of Birmingham before joining LIS. She also previously taught legal theory, political theory, international law, and philosophy of science at the University of Amsterdam. She holds a Master of Law (LLM) from the University of Cambridge and a BSc in Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics (PPLE) from the University of Amsterdam. Emma is currently completing a PhD in Law at the University of Birmingham, focusing on algorithmic regulation.

Dr James Carney
MASc Programme Director

James is a computational linguist who uses artificial intelligence to understand the relationship between cognition and culture. He is especially interested in the intersection between interpretive, computational, and experimental methods of inquiry. His research has been funded by the Wellcome Trust, the European Commission, and Innovate UK. Previous to coming to LIS, James worked in Brunel University London, Lancaster University, and the University of Oxford (where he held a Junior Research Fellowship). He is also founding director of Texture AI, a data science company that has had the BBC, Google, ITV, Reach PLC, the UK Cabinet Office and other leading organisations as clients.

Dr Mattia Gallotti
Associate Professor, Head of Research & Development

Mattia is a philosopher with a background in economics and interests in academic governance and innovation. His work is conceptual and the subject is social philosophy. Over the years, he has sought to connect and integrate concepts of social ontology across a range of intellectual discourses and styles, from cognitive science to theology. Before joining LIS as an Associate Professor, Mattia lectured on the philosophy of the social sciences at LSE and he managed a multidisciplinary program on the human mind in the School of Advanced Study at the University of London. As a postdoc, he held fellowships at Columbia University and the Jean Nicod Institute in Paris.

Lara Kinneir
Associate Professor

Lara is a designer who trained in architecture and spatial design in Glasgow, Madrid and London. Lara has worked in academia, city regeneration, government policy, design studios, think tanks and global organisations that are focused on the bettering of people and planetary life. Her interests are in social and spatial justice, spatial design, multilateral partnerships and innovative governance.


Dr James Everest
Assistant Professor

James studied languages at Cambridge, then worked for three years in public sector communications, before completing a Masters in English Literature at Queen Mary, University of London, and a PhD in the history of science at UCL. He has taught on the Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences degree programme at the University of Birmingham and the Arts and Sciences programme at UCL.


María Angélica Madero
Associate Programme Director, MASc

María Angélica is an artist, who has exhibited her work in cities such as Los Angeles, London, and Cali. She is a founding faculty member at the LIS, where she leads in Prep Culture and Content Creation. Additionally, she is an Honorary Professor at El Bosque University in Colombia, where she was Head of Art from 2015 to 2020. She holds an MA in Art from the Slade School of Fine Art, UCL, and an additional MA in Philosophy and Critical Theory from Kingston University.

Waqās Ahmed
Assistant Professor

Waqās is the author of the internationally acclaimed book The Polymath (Wiley 2019) and founder of the DaVinci Network. He has edited several volumes for international organisations such as the UNESCO Universal Declaration of Cultural Diversity book (2022). He holds a BSc in Economics (SOAS) and postgraduate degrees in International History (LSE) and Neuroscience (King's College London). Waqas has been Visiting Scholar at the University of Cambridge and Visiting Fellow at the Open University Business School, with research interests including comparative theology, non-Western art, cognitive flexibility and interdisciplinary leadership. Outside of academia, he has been a diplomatic journalist, charity director and entrepreneur.


Isaiah Wellington-Lynn
Assistant Professor, Lead of Integration and Synthesis Coaching

Isaiah is an award-winning polymathic creative scholar from Stratford, East London, passionate about belonging, education, and creative expression. His interdisciplinary career spans academia, investment management, law, venture capital, technology, and branding. Recipient of the inaugural Amos Polymath Award in 2021, Isaiah joined LIS in 2019, where he teaches anthropology, design, ethnography, and ethics, while leading the undergraduate and master’s coaching programmes. He completed his undergraduate degree at UCL, LSE, and Harvard, and is currently pursuing a government-funded PhD in anthropology at Oxford, exploring belonging and social mobility among diverse students. Isaiah has collaborated with organisations such as Adobe, Cambridge University, Depop, Airbnb, Hachette, the British Royal Family, and the NHS, and works as a writer, speaker, curator, consultant, and creative strategist.

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Fees and funding

Find out more about our course fees, financing options, and support available through bursaries and grants.

These are the fees for the 2025/26 academic year

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£9,275 / a year
£17,000 / a year

Admissions timeline

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UCAS equal consideration deadline

29th of Jan 2025

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clearing opens

July 5th 2025

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Final deadline

until 29th of Aug 2025

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term begins

29th of Sept 2025

Our admissions process looks a little different to that of a traditional university. We think that’s a good thing.

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