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My experience at LIS

Sarah, 2nd year

Sarah's A-levels:

  • Maths
  • Biology
  • Religious studies

Spent 18 months working in an NHS district nursing team prior to starting LIS, sparking an interest in public health. Loves crocheting, cooking, and has recently started learning pottery!

Could you tell us about how you went about sorting your accommodation when moving to London?

What teaching experience had stood out to you and whats the biggest lesson you’ve learnt from the faculty at LIS?

The way external teachers are woven into the curriculum along with all our faculty led sessions. One that stands out to me is a session on supply chains that we had with Astrid Leuber.

This sounds quite dry but Astrid completely changed the way I think about the connections between all the everyday objects we encounter and helped me to see all the geopolitics, economics, law and materials science hidden within a computer chip or bar of chocolate!

Not knowing what you want to do is okay, and having a portfolio career can be an amazing way of continuing with multiple interests and keeping doors open. Many of our faculty have portfolio careers from James C who has an AI startup to Rosita who is training to be a blacksmith alongside lecturing at LIS!

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Hear Priya's story!

"It is so cliché but find comfort in discomfort. Don’t limit yourself to anything as that’s where you will find yourself growing!!"

Read about how Priya manages her finances living in London