
How AI Image Generators Make Bias Worse

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Buzzfeed recently published a now deleted article on what AI thinks Barbies would look like from different countries around the world.The results contained extreme forms of representational bias - including colourist and racist depictions, which is something that AI image generators are often prone to doing.With AI image generators like MidJourney, Stable Diffusion, and Dall-E gaining huge popularity, it’s important that we are vigilant about the forms of bias that these technologies can fuel.* * * *This video was inspired by an LIS undergraduate student’s end of first year project, ‘Beyond the Hype: Understanding Bias in AI and its Far-Reaching Consequences’ by Ana Howard.

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1) Europol paper on Deepfakes and Generative AI - https://www.europol.europa.eu/publica...

2) ‘Humans Are Biased. Generative AI. Is Even Worse’ - Bloomberg Technology Article by Leonardo Nicoletti and Dina Bass -  https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/20...

3) UTK Face Dataset by Zhang, Song & Qi - https://susanqq.github.io/UTKFace/

4) ‘Turing Lecture: Data science or data humanities?’ by Melissa Terras - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yYytLUViI4&t=0s

5) ‘Corporate Accountability’ BY Lucy Suchman - https://robotfutures.wordpress.com/20...

6) ‘Principles alone cannot guarantee ethical AI’ by Brent Mittelstadt - https://www.nature.com/articles/s4225...

7) ‘Ethics from Within - Google Glass, the Collingridge Dilemma, and the Mediated Value of Privacy’ by Olya Kudina and Peter-Paul Verbeek - https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1...

8) ‘Joy Buolamwini: Examining Racial and Gender Bias in Facial Analysis Software’ by Barbican Centre - https://artsandculture.google.com/sto...

Further Reading & Watching:’Atlas of AI: Power, Politics, and the Planetary Costs of Artificial Intelligence’ by Kate Crawford‘Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Threatens Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy’ by Cathy O’Neil’Coded Bias’ by Dr. Joy Buolamwini


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How AI Image Generators Make Bias Worse

This video was inspired by an LIS undergraduate student’s end of first year project, ‘Beyond the Hype: Understanding Bias in AI and its Far-Reaching Consequences’ by Ana Howard.

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